Monday, May 4, 2009

Worldview: India Gala

Sunday 3rd May was our culminating event. A gala at The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore. The exhibition included art created by students of Harlem Park Elementary/Middle and James Mosher Elementary, a puppet show of the Indian epic the Ramayana by students from Harlem Park who had worked with Black Cherry Puppet Theatre during their residency at the school and dance performances by students who had worked with Lakshmi Swaminathan during her recent residencies at both schools. Students, faculty, friends and families enjoyed the exhibition and performances and Indian treats of chai and naan bread provided by the  Akbar restaurant.                                         Stacie, Marnee, Sush, Morag and Lakshmi

A wonderful time was had by all. We were so pleased to see so many people come out, and some travel so far,  to support our students in spite of the rainy grey weather. It was really something special for our students to see their work in such a salubrious setting. Many patrons of the Walters who happened upon the exhibit stayed to enjoy the show. We are so proud of our students and the beautiful and creative work they have done this year. 

We are deeply grateful to our friends, families, funders and partners who made this year's Worldview project possible;
Amanda Kodeck
Lindsey Anderson 
Brittany Powell
Iandry Randriamandroso
Joyce Akintilo, Principal, William Allen, Assistant Principal and staff of Harlem Park Elementary/Middle
Cascelia Spears, Principal, Cynthia Williams, Assistant Principal and staff of James Mosher Elementary
Larry Friend, Co-ordinator of Fine Arts for City Schools

We will continue to post work as the students complete their final projects of the school year over the next few weeks and post a link on this blog to next years project when it starts in August.
Thank you all for your interest and support
Morag & Marnee

It takes a global village to raise a child.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Students transformed paper bags into shishadur or mirror embroidery vests. Shishadur is the ancient east Indian art of stitching bits of mirror to cloth. lesson is from the book 'Brown Bag Ideas From Many Cultures' by Irene Tejada. Students used tempera paint, tin foil and sequens to make their 'shishadur'.

Indian Dancer

Fourth grade student Mawuena's interpretation of an Indian dancer from a poster in the classroom.


Pre-Kindergarten students used sponges to print their lotus leaves and painted on coffee filters to make their lotus flowers. Lotus are the national flower of India.

Marigold Garland

We have been growing marigolds in the classroom and looking at pictures of how marigolds are used for celebrations in India. Students cut tissue paper into flower shapes and strung them together with straw stems to make their own marigold garlands.

Dancing with Lakshmi

Everyone from Pre-Kindergarten to eighth grade had a ball with Lakshmi Swaminathan. Following Lakshmi's kick-off performance for the whole school last week, this week Lakshmi conducted workshops with individual classes. Everyone got to ask questions about Indian culture, try on clothes, have mehndi designs drawn on their palms, wear bindis and learn some traditional and modern dance moves. Even our principal was up and dancing! Thanks again to Young Audiences of Maryland for funding 90% of this residency through their Access for All

Earth Day Milk Carton Project

Students worked with Parks and People MICA intern Iandry Randriamandroso to recycle milk cartons into planters for marigolds. The eighth grade students then taught younger students how to recycle and plant their seeds in cartons that the older and younger students painted together.

Photographs of our workshop with Sushmita

Students had a wonderful time making their amulet books with Sushmita


Second and third grade students have been reading 'Rama and the Demon King' The bag puppets of the ten headed demon Ravana and the beautiful princess Sita were made by second grade students. The collage of Hanuman the monkey general was made by a third grade student.


Students have been studying  India's wildlife. Pre-k painted lions, first grade painted crocodiles on foil rivers and  transformed paper bags into ferocious tigers. Second grade students used paper plates to make their lion masks.


Fifth grade students researched traditional indian patterns then painted their favorites on cardboard boxes. The students added acrylic 'jewels' for some extra sparkle.

Cooperative Rangoli

Students worked individually and in cooperative groups to created their painted rangoli designs.