Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Wish, I Dream, I Hope, I Promise....

On the 17th Sushmita came to James Mosher and worked with a 1st grade class. It was amazing to see how excited the kids were to make books and to have someone new in the classroom. The kids asked, " are you a real Indian?" Sush showed the students a prayer wheel and talked about how it sent the hopes dream and wishes out. Then she talked about different kinds of books and how they can be personal. 

The kids then made amulet books with Sush, but due to limited time were unable to decorate them and write their  hopes and dreams. Last week the class talked about what they could put in them and they added promises to the list of sentiment to put in their amulet books.  Above are examples of what they wrote... on the left "I wish my grandfather was alive." "I wish I was a princess" and "I wish I was a firefighter" the picture on the bottom says, " I wish money would fall from the sky." On the right they say "I wish I get the girl." "I wish I had a million dollars." and "I wish I had powers." On the last one says, "I wish grownups was gone. " The last one is my favorite. I remember being a kid and wishing the same thing. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Walter's Art Museum Gala

Our culminating activity is rushing forward like a windstorm. We are scheduling performers, discussing displays and inviting those who have helped make our project happen. On Sunday May 3rd  from 2-4 pm at the Walters Art Museum; Worldview will present the exhibition of all that we have done. All are invited as the museum is open  and admission is free.  Here is the picture from our save the date card.  These are the Bengal tiger masks made by the first grade. 

I did a short stint in after-school programing and the kids all made prosperity birds. First and second graders made huge (2 foot) stuffed paper prosperity birds and the forth and fifth graders made cloth ones like the ones in the previous post (these went home at Christmas ornaments). The third grade learned about stenciling and made these pictures. 

More Elephants

I have two class making papier mache piggy banks. One of the classes only has 3 students and they really get stuff done. They are ready to decorate their elephants with parade outfits and cut a hole already. They are very excited about eh work they are doing in class. I am also having a lot of fun working with them.

Mosaic Madness

Lis Gambino from Sharp Leadenhall Elementary showed up with the most beautiful mosaic her students had done for Black History Month and an exhibit for Baltimore City Schools. I love the result, so I worked with the two classes of kids with autism at my school. We focused on color matching and small motor skills (cutting with scissors) and following directions. I love the job they did on this parade elephant. This mosaic is bout 4 feet by 3 feet and took both classes about 2 sessions each to complete. 

A Bask of Crocodiles

Crocodlies pant like dogs to cool off and bask in the sun to warm up their cold blood. Because they lay around together; a group of crocodiles is called a bask. Last week Mr. Trahan's first grade class sculpted feet for their papier mache crocodiles out of play dough. After drying I glued them on and the kids gave their crocs a few finishing touches.