Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Walter's Art Museum Gala

Our culminating activity is rushing forward like a windstorm. We are scheduling performers, discussing displays and inviting those who have helped make our project happen. On Sunday May 3rd  from 2-4 pm at the Walters Art Museum; Worldview will present the exhibition of all that we have done. All are invited as the museum is open  and admission is free.  Here is the picture from our save the date card.  These are the Bengal tiger masks made by the first grade. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Marnee and Morag,
    Thank you so much for all of the meaningful arts integration work you are doing with your students. It is obvious that your visual art instruction is providing your students with new learning experiences which will enrich their "worldview" throughout their lives.
    Best wisehs for a super Culminating Gala at the how classy is that? Best, Kay Broadwater, Towson University
